Hello again! It's time for another update and an overview of my week! I think that these types of posts will be coming often on Mondays, as it is my extra day-off, so I usually have time to write about the stuff that's been going on.
Monday 27/08/2018
My monday wasn't all that exciting as I spent it studying for my physics exam on the next day. I also had to finish some drafts for other subjects as the deadlines were coming up. In the afternoon I had swimming practice from 3.45pm to 6.00pm.
Tuesday 28/08/2018
On Tuesday I had my physics exam. As I am doing year 12 physics, the exam block is a week earlier than the year 11 exam block (for some reason...?), so I had to miss out on my lunch break and biology classes. In addition to a lunch break and a couple of classes, I missed out on an Aquatic practices excursion... sigh. It was an all-day excursion, but due to my year 12 exam, I couldn't go. So that kinda sucks because it sounded really fun, and it would have been cool to get out of the little canal that we usually do boating in. But oh well there's another one coming up soon so I really hope that nothing gets in the way of that one. But back to the physics exam. I think I did okay, I'm pretty sure that I got at least something right. Using all the formulas wasn't that difficult but the essay questions definitely weren't the easiest for me. Explaining scientific phenomena in English isn't as easy as you would think. But all in all I'm quite happy that I managed to get at least something written down on every question. So I'm here keeping my fingers crossed and hoping that I passed.
After school a group of internationals including myself, went to Pacific Fair to grab an after-school-snack. We pretty much just ate and talked about how much work we have to do for the rest of the week haha.
Wednesday 29/08/2018
On Wednesday nothing that special happened. School, practice and homework sum up the day pretty well.
Thursday 30/08/2018
Thursday wasn't that exciting either.
On Thursday after school I headed out to Pacific Fair to do some shopping. I got everything I needed and got a ride home from my host-mum.
Friday 31/08/2018
Friday was a fun day as it was the first day of the Gold Coast Show. It's a public holiday so everyone had a day-off from school. And I had a three-day school week which I can't complain about! After a sleep-in, my host-sister and I made some pancakes for breakfast. In the afternoon we headed out to see what the GC Show in Broadwater Parklands was like. The show basically runs for three days, from Friday to Sunday in two locations, Broadwater Parklands and Owen Park. Every evening there were also fireworks to end the festival-day. Basically the GC Show put on at Broadwater Parklands was a whole bunch of booths where you could either get food, like hotdogs and candy floss, or play games and win cute stuffed animals. There were also some rides but unfortunately I didn't go on any of them. The fireworks at 8pm were really good, probably one of the best -and longest- shows I've ever seen. There were also two guys with water jetpacks and suits that glowed with different coloured lights and they did tricks like backflips during the show, which I thought looked pretty cool. I really enjoyed the festival and here are some of my fave pics I took!
Saturday 01/09/2018
On Saturday my host-sister and I took the family's surf board to Currumbin beach, where we met up with some other exchange students. The waves were good, but as it was the first time using a smaller board instead of a big and heavy practice one, it took some time to be able to stand up again. But when I got more used to it I was able to catch a couple of waves which I was really happy about.
Sunday 02/09/2018
For Sunday my plans were to get out of the house and study for my math exam. I met with Giulia and we ended up going to a park near the beach and studying there. We studied a bit over two hours and it was quite productive. Now I feel like I might even survive the exam next Wednesday.
So that was my week, it was pretty packed with studying and school stuff as the exam weeks is around the corner and the third term is almost coming to an end. So now I need to go back to my revision sheets, soliloquies and PowerPoints, bye!