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Snorkelling Excursion & Saying Goodbyes

Hello! How has your week been? Here's another weekly update from me, it's a bit shorter and more casual but hopefully you'll enjoy it anyhow.


My week started off with running some errands in the morning and going to Tallebudgera beach in the afternoon to celebrate my friend's birthday. Tuesday and Wednesday weren't anything special, I was just at home doing some school stuff.

On Thursday I had an aquatic practice excursion. We went to The Spit to do some snorkelling as that's what we have been studying during this term. We left the school in the morning and once we got to the destination we split up into two groups. I was in the second group, so first we had some time to hang out on the beach and later it was our turn to snorkel. Snorkelling was fun, we saw quite a lot of fish and even though it wasn't anything special compared to the Great Barrier Reef, I really enjoyed it. After snorkelling we had a BBQ on the beach and soon it was time to drive back to school.

Friday morning we had a special assembly in school for the graduating year 12 students. Party poppers, a speech and the national anthem were a part of the show before the students marched through the school with everyone smiling and cheering. Later that day I went out for dinner with friends.

The weekend I spent mostly in Burleigh, it was the last days of two of my friends from school, so we spent the last days on the beach as a group. There was a lot of laughing, flag signing and crying involved.




© sini hirvonen 2018

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